
Benefits of Worm Castings man and woman with a vegetable harvest from worm castings

Top 10 Benefits of Worm Castings

The benefits of worm castings extend far beyond growing healthy vibrant plants. Earthworm castings also benefit our soils and help to maintain a healthy Soil Food Web. Healthy soils are vital for sustainable farming or gardening. One reason no-till and permaculture practices are important is that disturbing the soil breaks up the fungal hyphae and mycelium

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Advantages of Vermicompost vegetable basket.

Advantages of Vermicompost

Advantages of vermicompost are many. We hear all the time about how vermicompost or worm castings are so good for our organic gardens. But “Why”? What makes vermicompost so beneficial? Exactly how does worm castings or vermicompost make our gardens and landscapes better? How come they are better for our plants than synthetic fertilizers? What

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